UNSHADES is the acronym of UNiversity of Sevilla HArdware DEbugging System. Under this name a team of the Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Sevilla has developed a set of hardware platforms and software tools that are extremly useful for explore during execution time a digital design, working in system or fed by test vectors. Our platforms are based on Xilinx devices advanced features and inserted into Xilinx standard design flow.
UNSHADES ConceptThe goal of UNSHADES platforms is to provide comprehensible information (observability) about the internal state of a running circuit. For this reason, a strong interaction has been produced between a host PC (for the designer) and the board. The configuration structure is merged with some common I/O wires in the same PC-board link (controllability), and the software tools manage them in order to control and extract the data flow.
UNSHADES goalsUNSHADES is a set of platforms and tools created by means of public funds and for pure research objective. One of the most important scopes of UNSHADES are academia projects (Student master projects, Proyectos fin de carrera), another is the collaboration with companies providing tools and platforms for design debugging.
UNSHADES SponsorsUNSHADES has originally been developed using funds from the Electronic Engineering Departament of the University of Sevilla. Xilinx University Program has gently donated some devices for research purpose. Finally, UNSHADES-2 has been developed through the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry project “New intelligent actuators for electrical rotative and linear motors, using sensorless techniques in applications of vertical traffic” - DPI2001-3089
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