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Papers and Presentations
Here you'll find the complete set of papers and presentations based on
UNSHADES. Some of them are written in spanish.
Papers published based on FT-UNSHADES platform (in English)
"The implementation of a FPGA hardware debugger
system with minimal system overhead "J. Tombs, M.A. Aguirre, F. Muñoz, V. Baena, A. Torralba, A. Fernández-León and F. Tortosa. Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Proceedings of the Field Programmable Logic and Applications. FPL 2004. Antwerp (Belgium). September 2004 |
"A FPGA based hardware emulator for the insertion and analysis of Single Event Upsets in VLSI Designs "M. Aguirre, J.N. Tombs, F. Muñoz, V. Baena, A. Torralba, A. Fernández-León, F. Tortosa and D. González-Gutiérrez. Accepted for presentation in Radiation Effects on Components and Systems Conference (RADECS 2004). Madrid (SPAIN), September 2004. |
Papers published based on UNSHADES-2 platform (in English)
Papers published based on UNSHADES-2 platform (in Spanish)
Papers published based on UNSHADES-1 platform (in English)
"UNSHADES-1: An advanced tool for In-System Run-Time
Hardware Debugging.". M.A. Aguirre, J.N. Tombs, A.
Torralba and L.G. Franquelo. Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Proceedings of the Field Programmable Logic
and application. FPL 2003, Lisboa, Portugal, September 2003 |
"Implementation of a fully pipelined ARM
compatible microprocessor core". F.J. Jurado
Carmona, J.N. Tombs, M.A. Aguirre and A. Torralba. XVII Conference on Design
of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS'2002, Santander, Spain, November 2002
"Improving the Design Process of VLSI Circuits
by means of a Hardware debuggeing System: UNSHADES-1 Framework".
M.A. Aguirre, J.N. Tombs, A. Torralba and L.G. Franquelo. IEEE Industrial
Electronics Conference IECON'02, Sevilla (SPAIN) November 2002. |
"A Low Cost 3D Vision System for Positioning
Welding Mobile Robots using a FPGA prototyping System".
I. Ibáñez, M.A. Aguirre, J.N. Tombs, A. Torralba and L.G. Franquelo. IEEE
Industrial Electronics Conference IECON'02, Sevilla (SPAIN) November 2002.
"Experience on VLSI for Digital Signal
Processing Using Advanced FPGAs: The Hades Framework".
M.A. Aguirre, J.N. Tombs, A. Torralba and L.G. Franquelo. 4th European
Workshop on Micrtoelectronics Education 2002, EWME’02. Baiona, Pontevedra (SPAIN)
pp 193-196
presentation |
"HADES-1: A Rapid Prototyping Environment based
on Advanced FPGA’s". M.A. Aguirre, J.N. Tombs, A.
Torralba and L.G. Franquelo. XVI Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems
Conference. DCIS'01. Oporto (Portugal). Nov 2001.
Papers published based on UNSHADES-1 platform (in Spanish)
"Sistema para el reconocimiento del habla
implementado sobre una FPGA" E. Godino Llani, M.A.
Aguirre, J. Tombs, A.J. Torralba Silgado, L. García Franquelo. I Jornadas
sobre Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones. JCRA'01. Alicante. Septiembre
2001 |
"Desarrollo de un decodificador de audio MPEG
sobre una FPGA" J. de Medinilla, M.A. Aguirre, J.
Tombs, A. Torralba y L.G. Franquelo. I Jornadas sobre Computación
Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones. JCRA'01. Alicante. Septiembre 2001 |
"Interfaz de un sistema Depuración de Hardware
mediante técnicas de Reconfiguración Parcial" M.A.
Aguirre, J. Tombs. II Jornadas sobre Computación Reconfigurable y
Aplicaciones. JCRA'02. Almunecar (Granada). Septiembre 2002.presentación
"Una plataforma de bajo coste para visión 3D
para control de robots autónomos de soldaduras."
I. Ibáñez, M.A. Aguirre, J.N. Tombs, A. Torralba y L.G. Franquelo. II
Jornadas sobre Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones. JCRA'02. Almuñécar
(Granada). Septiembre 2002.presentación
"Implementación en VHDL de un core compatible
con el microprocesador ARM, usando una arquitectura pipelined"
F.J. Jurado Carmona, J.N. Tombs, M.A. Aguirre y A. Torralba. II Jornadas sobre
Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones. JCRA'02. Almuñécar (Granada).
Septiembre 2002.presentación