Main Page of  Digital Microelectronics Lab

Digital Microelectronics Lab
Laboratorio de Microelectrónica Digital (curso 2002/2003)

COURSE YEAR 2002/2003

Dr. Miguel Angel Aguirre Echánove
Dr. Jonathan Noel Tombs
Dr. Fernando Muñoz Chavero

PLEASE: Send us an e-mail if you download a project (just for control)!!!

"Digital Microelectronics" course of  4th level  in Telecommunication Engineering Studies (1st half of the course year) has a practical continuation  in 4th level with the "Digital Microelectronics Lab" course (2nd half of the course year). Also in the 2nd level of Electronic Engineering, the Lab complements the course Microelectronics" of the first level. During both courses students develop, in teams of no more than three persons, lab projects using hardware description languages, VHDL or verilog. The subjects of every project are proposed with open specifications by the theachers, and implemented during the course.

Every project is implemented using the Foundation Design flow 3.1i downloaded to the FPGA from Xilinx XC4010XL, using the Xess board XS40 based on XC4010Xl, XSA-50 basbased on FPGA Spartan2-50  and UNSHADEs-1 of the University of Sevilla, based on Virtex 300.The following list presents the lab-title and a brief description of every project implemented during this course 2002/2003. There are links for downloading the work for analisys pourpose. Remember that they are academic projects and many of them can
Some of those projects use the reference project  XS40-PC

Projects developed using XS40:

1. Serial link using two FPGA boards. J.G. Jiménez, J.E. Guillén, F. Manzano.

2. Serial link using two FPGA boards.  J.M. Doval, V. Simón.

3. Digital termometer.  J.A. Olmo, J.A. Medina, J.J. Mellado.

4. Cartoon generator.   L. Acosta, Mª. C. Delgado, M. Fernández-Bolaños.

5. Microprocesador 16 bits. F.J. Cruz, P.J. Pinell, A. Fernández-Cantalejo

6. Digital Kaleidoscope. D. Salto, J. Viguera, M. Suárez.

7. Image filter bank. M.A. Garriga, R. González, A. Martínez.

8. Medical Image processor. J. Mora, J. González, A.D. López.

9. Concect-4 game. E. Daimiel, J.A. Mateo, A.J. Moragón.

10. Image transmission . R. García-Haba, D. Falcón, A. Morgado.

11. Nokia Serpent videogame. D.M. Álvarez, A. Carrere, F. Díaz.

12. Windows mine finder. E. Roldán, J. Bernal, F.J. Haro

13. Tetris. F. Trujillo, A. Vázquez, A. Valverde.

14. Pacman. D. Daza, A. Escudero.

15. Digital termometer. A. Castañeda, A. Moresco, G. Toscano

Projects developed using XSA-50:

1. Pacman.  Uses a SNESS joystick and a small sound generator. P. Morales, R. Spínola, J.J. Velasco.

2. Sound filters. P. Palomino, G. Velázquez, F. Barragán.

Projects developed using UNSHADES-1:

1. Pointer follower. E. de León, L.A. Vergillos, J.A. Segovia.

2. Pattern recognition applied to fruit classification. J.M. Moreno, C. Moreno, J.M. Solano.

3. Vowels recognition. C. Cordobés, F.J. Alcázar, F.J. Arteaga.

4. Movement detector. S. López-Espada, J.M. Marín, W. Hadi.

5. Scenario changing using a camera. J. P. Díaz, J. Cortés

Some projects use the gereral purpose link between a PC and a the XS40 board XS40-PC


Gently donated the software Foundation 3.1i licenses and the development  board XS40.

Technical support and development of the XS40 board.